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Ellie Hopkins - Golden box winner!

over 1 year ago

Ellie Hopkins - Golden box winner!

Congratulations to Ellie Hopkins who has reached her quarterly target and has had the chance to open her 'Golden Box'.

Each quarter at ProTech, we give our team members the opportunity to open their very own personalised 'Golden Box'. This is a personalised reward up to a particular value that ProTech will purchase for them as soon as they hit their target for the quarter.

This could be anything they desire within a particular range... so whether it's a weekend break away, a trip to the theatre, a spa day or even a brand new oven, there is an instant extra reward available for reaching their targets - chosen for by themselves.

Ellie had decided that the latest Apple Watch was her desired prize for her 'Golden Box' and here she is pictured with it shortly after it was awarded to her! Look at that beaming smile!

This is the first post in a series as we have some other 'Golden Boxes' that have been handed out this quarter to the team and we will be posting about them shortly.