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International Women's Day

over 3 years ago

International women's day

On International Women’s Day, here at ProTech we recognise all those women who have carved out their own paths, beaten a track to where they want to be, dreamed a dream and gone after it.

Here’s to all women, whatever your job, regardless of status, whether you’re a full-on Career Girl, a Stay at Home Mum, a Part-time Worker; we salute you!

Here’s to the parents who juggle parenting equally, here’s to the teachers who teach our children that no matter who they are, to dream big and be who you want to be.

Society needs to model its behaviour as parents first, re-enforced by education, and carry this through to the workplace, smashing those stereotypes, and creating opportunity for all, regardless of gender.

Here at ProTech, we place the best candidates, be they female or male, in the best jobs. On International Women’s Day, we celebrate our female STEM candidates and clients who do what they do in a still male-dominated world. We have recently placed women across our Life Sciences, Electronics and Engineering Sectors in roles such as: Assemblers, Human Factors Specialists, Category Sourcing Managers, Regulatory Affairs Managers, Specialist Process Operators and Configuration Administrators. We all need to continue to strive for gender parity and equality for all. As a society, it is our responsibility to challenge bias, stereotypes, and embrace the IWD 2019 theme of #BalanceforBetter across all our lives.

Even though they are still under-represented in STEM careers and education, with only 35% of girls entering further education in STEM subjects, women continue to achieve and play a significant role in Science and Engineering. 

As a STEM Recruiter, it is our job to break the misconceptions of a career in Science, Technology and Engineering being all about machines, coding and with little human interaction; often a factor that puts women off entering STEM.

From Edith Clarke in 1918 who became the first woman to earn her electrical engineering degree from MIT, to Stephanie Kwolek who discovered Kevlar, to Katie Atkinson in 2019, Materials Engineer at Jaguar Land Rover and many more, we have some powerful Female Role-models in STEM who are doing amazing jobs every day, contributing to Science, Education, Engineering and making pioneering decisions and progress.

Shout out to Year of Engineering #YoE and The Big Bang Fair for promoting STEM to our children and inspiring our future Scientists, Engineers and Technology Wizards.

Happy International Women’s Day!




