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ProTech annual conference

over 8 years ago
Pro-Tech annual conference

After a strong quarterly performance, this weekend ProTech went away on a company conference to reflect on our progress as a company, set goals moving forward and most importantly, celebrate everyone’s outstanding efforts over the last quarter.

Based in Birmingham, the conference was followed by a session of Go-Karting and later, dinner and drinks. A high point of the Go-Karting undoubtedly came at the hands of Nick Clift, one of our Engineering contract specialists, who achieved the fastest time of anyone that day with a lightening 26.11 seconds!

Above: Some of the Pro-Tech team pose for a picture post-race.

Having offered opportunities to hundreds of talented candidates this quarter, our mission statement as a company - to find opportunity for all who seek it - has, in many senses, been met resoundingly. That said, there is still so much that can be done on this front and moving forward, Pro-Tech is as determined as ever to adapt, evolve and improve in order to stay at the forefront of candidate and client care.